About Architecture
Started with presents it requirement of man which must be fulfilled, architecture consorts development of man formerly until now. Started from a period of where architecture presented only as a effort for accomplishment of requirement of finite physical to a period of where architecture can present in so many thing. Included in it was function which only merely for make more beautiful only. In every a period, architecture presented with different characteristic and value. Values and characteristic growing along with the advance man patterned thinking.
Architecture initially is a form of local solution problem; especially requirement of protection needed and protection from nature. Local here mean only tied at the problem only. A kind of this architecture is a result of effort for trial and errors done by primitive man in facing accomplishment problems of the basic need. Effort done by this man is a form of direct and detailed interaction between men with problem which faced. Solution which born from effort for trial and errors makes man to become recognizes the problems exhaustively and detailed. This is because of a kind of this solution had the detailed character of each the problems aspect, not macro, so that one problems can have many solutions which all its must be applied together. When reaching a period of where the problems had haves no again is finalized with the solution network, hence man will return to does architecture trial and errors to finalize it. This process would be continuous recurring.
Vernacular architecture which having immeasurable and unique characteristic in every group of community is also a form of architecture bearing from interaction of man with the environment and problems faced by it. Various principles in vernacular architecture of a region, created from perception of human of believing, culture, way of live, and nature that faced . Again, a kind of this architecture makes man to have basic understanding and detailed to a problems.
The next, when there are artistic movements and all values of beauty and perfection happen, architecture characteristic returns to changing. Man during this movement always envisions will come it perfection in the future. Expectation on condition that is most ideal for happened in all very big life aspect. All kinds of utopias predominates idea of during this. All perfection images would which is most ideal condition from the reality. Architecture, as one of component which can realize the matter, becomes full of all kinds of utopias from the angle of esthetics. Value of beauty form placed forward and majored in the materialization. This condition keeps away awareness for the importance of main function from result of the architecture masterpiece. Method finalizes a problem of having architecture always is hooked; correlated to yielding a beauty form that is in the end doesn’t bear a uniqueness as result of predominating utopia factor.
Idea progress of man in facing something and technological development partaken changes architecture either in principal and also superficial. World War II, invention of steam engine, industrial progress, principle mass production, and etcetera partakes shifts treatment of man to architecture. Architecture during the period becomes an equipment of accomplishment of mass requirement for the shake of recovery as result of World War impact II. With principle mass production, architecture characteristic becomes homogeneous and uniform and disregards man heterogeneous value. Problems met finalized with even a similar solution of problems of is two different things and requires different handling.
Now assorted character and heterogeneous returns to emerging. Every individual esteemed and assessed as individual. Assorted form of architecture assumed too arrogance during before all, with a real character homogeneous, analyzed. Assorted of freedom and superiority an individual can be expressed maximal. Desire to be star, on unique, and monumental many owned by individual. Repetition and also mixing of architecture character during then to be applied at result of architecture masterpiece an acceptable individual carefully. There is no global categorizations of which really explains and real about architecture applied now. One thing which really is equality of characteristic globally to architecture is existence of appreciation to freedom.
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